Reichenhaller Tagblatt 15th April 2004
A LINE DANCE WORKSHOP, organized by the Dizzy Dancers from Bayerisch Gmain, happened last weekend.
The two instructors from the Munich Lads, a line dance group from Munich, tought the students the newest dances
to country and non-country music. The guests were students of the Dizzy Dancers and members of the befriended
club Little Joes from Salzburg. The time was flying and in the evening all the dancers were happy to sit down a bit
because most of them had burning feet. As a good end of day they went to the Gasthaus Schroffen (name of a
restaurant with live music) where country music was played. Some inexhaustibles had the chance to dance again.
For those who are interested in line dance contact Astrid Kaeswurm, phone:08651/719032, for information.
Our picture is showing the participants of the workshop.