Living Line Dance 4/2012
Worlds 2005 Favorite Line Dance Choreographer - Worlds 2006 Favorite
Line Dance Personality - Worlds 2007 Favorite Line Dance Choreographer
- 2009 Favorite Line Dance Choreographer, 2011 Favorite Line Dance
Choreographer - to say Hello like on Guyton Mundys homepage. This
American started his dance career at Disney World and found his way via
Hip Hop now to line dance after he was invited by Pedro Machado to a
line dance event in Manchester. His unconventional choroegraphies in-
spireing also the line dancers in Germany, so he came for a visit in Autumn
2011, after being invited by Kurt Fluger from the Munich LAD’s, for the
first time to Germany.
Guyton Mundy in Bavaria
After 2 years of preparation - now the time came: sun was smiling, like I
did too, at the Munich Airport when Guyton Mundy arrived. Several work-
shops were planed but for sure I also liked to show him pieces of my
home-region. His motto for this weekend was “Fun” like he was telling me
from the first beginning. Next to his different jobs, as a carpenter who
builds furnishings for boats and also building models and sceneries for
theatres and film-business, is this also the motto of his life.
But before we started with work we decided to have some fun together at
the Munich downtown. He was telling us with enthusiasm about his last
holiday at the Florida Keys. He told that he has already 50 frozen lobsters
in his fridge. Wow, next to his dancing he’s having another hobby: deep-
sea-fishing with his own boat. We were walking with on the pedestrian
area and telling him a bit about the history of Munich, visited the Lieb-
frauendom (Frauenkirche), Viktualienmarket and the Asamchurch.
After that Guyton was joining our training where he learned Bittersweet
Memories easaly and next to it he enjoyed his first bavarian food. All
members of my club were attracted by his “easy going” character and he
fascinated everyone with his professional kind of dancing.
Friday was just reserved for showing him around on a big tour through Ba-
varia with sightseeing. We kicked Guyton out of bed early and started
with our tour. First stop: Ettal, where he was visiting the huge cloister-
church. He bought shot-glasses with nice pics of the cloisterchurch
and the bavarian and german flag on it at the cloister-shop . He’s col-
lecting shot glasses if I understood him right. Than we were driving to the
castle Linderhof, than to the castle of Neuschwanstein for sure and we
could feel that he liked the things in Bavaria that we were showing him.
During our tour he phoned his wife and I realy could feel that he loves his
wife like crazy still after nine years of being married. The final of the tour
was the “holy mountain” Andechs. There we had dinner, after visiting the
church and the grave of Carl Orff, at the beergarden.
Saturday, in the afternoon, his workshops were starting. Like I asked him
to do, he started with the most tricky dances and taught “2Nite”, “That
Kind Of Lovin’”, “This City” and for our countrymusic friends “Shake It For
Me!”. 3 hours of workshops were running and we had a lot to laugh, espe-
cially about the arm moves at “This City”! The funniest joke I heard from
Guyton was what you have to do when you bump with someone on the
dancefloor: First you have to say “Excuse me” and than you push him
away. Guyton always found some funny words leaving his mouth and he
kept the guests in good mood. It was a dance workshop in a superlative
way! After having dinner the party were starting. The Westside Line-
dancers (Tyrolia), the Forty Fours (Sindelfingen), the Peirons (Bamberg),
the Wild Boots (Königsbrunn), Cookie and the Crumbs (Rohrbach),
Linedancefun (Nuremberg), The Wanderers, the Good Time Fellows,
Blue Fire Dancers and we, as the Munich LAD’s , from Munich had big fun
at the party. As a highlight Guyton was teaching “Perfect” so that the
“only” party guests also could take a new dance home. Cause of my Moms
wish Guyton, Andi and me had to dance the “Angels On The Moon” as a
special show act. At 2 am we came home exhausted but happy.
The next 2 days it was a bit rainy. Guyton used this time to look for new music, facebook-update and some other things.
We were visiting the Oktoberfest and he was quite impressed of all the masses of poeple having a party going on. At the
end of this evening I took him to one of my bars and he said that he don’t have any troubles going on with that cause,
like he was telling me, since he was 16 yo, as a hip hop dancer at Walt Disney, he was also on tour through gay clubs.
We had an evening of convivial drinking.
At the end I just can say that I’m happy that I got to know this creativ man and dancer. He’s an absolut enrichment of
the line dance scene and no one should be frightened about his dances. The most important thing is, like he
said, to find your own style!