If you are interested to join our training or just to visit us, you can find us here:
Beginners Training: Every 1. to 3. Wednesday and also at the 5. Wednesday, if there is one Community Hall of the oldcath. St. Willibrord (Stairs to the cellar next to the Church entrance) Blumenstr. 36 (Near Underground Station “Sendlinger Tor”) Starts at: 7pm - Ends at 10pm Entrance Fee: 3.-€ Absolut Beginners (from 7 to 8 pm) and guests from other clubs are welcome at any time! Training for the next 3 month: July: 3rd, 10th, 17th and 31st August: 7th, 14th and 21th September: 4th, 11th and 18th Advanced Training: Every 2nd and 4th Friday and also at the 5th Friday, if there is one. Traininglocation: like Beginners! Starts at: 8pm - Ends at 10pm Entrance Fee: 3.-€ everyone of the club and guests from other clubs are welcome at any time! Training for the next 3 month: July: 12th August: 9th, 23th and 30th September: 13th and 27th